The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Friday, March 31, 2006

March-Lamb Thing

For the last few years, March has certainly held on to its lion identity.

This year things have definitely stayed to script. It's gorgeous out there. So much so, Spring Fever is upon me. It is Friday and I DO NOT want to get dressed and go to work. Even though there's a go-away party at the end of the work day, I only see that as a reason to stay longer than I really want to. TGIF is alright, but not at 0627.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Tuesday- Not Quite As Dreary

Things were fixed today. The sun came out and I feel its effect on my face. It was good to be out of the bunker and in the fresh air at least for a little while. An extra hour's work today saved me grief tomorrow. Grief of a very minor sort in the grand scheme of things. But then aren't we all minor but so very important at the same time in The Grand Scheme of Things? =30=

Monday, March 27, 2006

Even After a Long Hard Day

It was a long dreary Monday. I am about to tranmorgraph into a pod in front of the TiVo. But I still found it easy to use the Performancing Firefox extension to make an entry for today. Amazing that! =30=

The Rarity of a Monday Morning Entry

This is an example of the ease of use for Performancing. I would never think I had time to make an entry on a Monday morning when I barely have time to peruse the news, drink my tea and get on the road to the city. But here I am, making an entry about making an entry. This is either Zen or spitting into the wind. Perhaps both. =30=

Sunday, March 26, 2006

AllPeers ...still waiting.

I just came back from again and still don't see the product. In the FAQ, many things are promised. I will be glad to try it when it comes out. WHEN it comes out. =30=

Zen Saying in MetaTab

The man is free who no longer seeks recognition.

Firefox Performancing Handbook.

Performancing, when you visit their website has many features related to data. This is probably interesting to someone to whom this information matters. What is important to me is its ability to pop a pager up in Firefox that gives you the option of making a quick entry into the blog of your choice. For more information go their Firefox Performancing Handbook.

Moleskine Addiction...

Anyone who has ever felt the need to blog and wants to stay blogging, should avoid tapping into the Moleskine Consciousness. The Furrygoat blog entry on this subject is a good example. Even though I've been slack on all my blogs for the past few months, there's a rare day I don't make some sort of entry either in my large square Moleskine, or my 2006 Moleskine calendar. I haven't taken my Palm out for ages. =30=

Spread Firefox!

Firefox Flicks!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

File Hippo - Free Software Downloads

File Hippo - Free Software Downloads
This is being written with another Firefox extension called JustBlogIt! I've wanted to post a ling regarding File Hippo for a while. It isn't SnapfilesPro, but it is a good source of Free and Shareware. =30=

Now I don't even need to leave Firefox to maintain the blog

This is way too easy. Life has been hectic and February was too short a month to accomplish any blogging. It's not like there were a lot of entries in March. I believe and hope more time can be given to this. =30=

Firefox Extensions

If you want to see what is happening at Firefox with the advent of version 2 coming soon, it would be a good idea to go to Chris Pirillo's website and download the Firefox tips pdf. It deals mostly with extensions. I am using one of those extensions called perfamancing to make this entry into Blogger.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Ides of March

It was the Ides of March at work today. Ceasar fell and the minions danced in their chairs, in the halls and in the freight elevator. =30=