The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Different Twitter Update

There is a low key Twitter update on this Blog’s sidebar, but, because so many more of my online comments are being drawn away from the the Blog to Twitter, I am thinking of removing the current script and replacing it with this one:

  • Home made Fish Stew for dinner. Aaahhhhhhh....... about an hour ago
  • Why is EVERYONE so keen on telling me Google Sketch - up is available?? It seems to be almost every other RSS selection. about 2 hours ago
  • SlyDial Ap for BB is tempting me: but giving them my personal information is giving me the willies. I type it in & close about 2 hours ago
  • Decided to take back roads home. about 4 hours ago
  • If I hear the phrase cut costs uno mas I will start worrying. 'Til then the cows have yet to return home. Do I swim in the Egyptian river? about 9 hours ago
follow me on Twitter

And placing it higher up on the sidebar. This won't be an impulsive decision, so maybe you'll see and maybe not. Stay tuned.


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Sometimes a Twitter Isn’t Long Enough

I was trying to fit into the 140 characters allowed a comment about the CBS 60 Minutes interview we all watched last night with the President-Elect and his wife.  She was referred to at least once as the First Lady-Elect.  Not quite accurate. But really, who cares?


In comparison to the 30-minute infomercial produced for the campaign, I believe the Obama we saw last night was closer to the real product than we’ve seen in the past two years.  However, what I would like to see is the previous interview, where Obama was filmed making a sandwich and walking down the street.

It was also noticed last night that flecks of silver are showing in his hair.  A comment was made that he will be totally gray by the end of the first four years.  We can only hope and pray.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

The End/Beginning of an Era

During the 1920’s, the nation had a choice between Herbert Hoover and Al Smith.  Mr. Smith was a charismatic go-to Governor, a man of the people and well loved in his own surroundings.

He was also Catholic.

It is generally believed by historians that he lost the election based on this one condition.  Until John Kennedy, this could be called the Al Smith Effect, meaning Catholics should not bother running for President.

Now we have the Bradley Effect.  That is what is believed to have stopped Mayor Bradley from winning the Governor’s office in California.
Will this effect the results this coming Tuesday?  Yes.  The question is will it overwhelm the chances of Senator Obama from winning?  I hope to god, no.

This is not an endorsement for either candidate.  It is a plea irrelevance not be a factor when each and every voter makes that final mark, flick, tick, twist or whatever other action that will be called a vote.


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