Aren’t you all excited about Evacuation Day in Boston tomorrow? Well, it really isn’t tomorrow, it’s really Tuesday but Monday’s are a much easier day to holiday and run a marathon. No! Wait, that’s Patriot’s Day. No! Wait again. That’s Marathon Monday. Jeeze Loo Ease!
Evacuation Day is really a disguised St. Patrick’s Day. Though it is the day the British left Boston, rather causally in 1776 when they woke up finding a whole bunch of canons from New York pointing at them from Dorchester. It was not an official day off until 1938 when the then Celtically dominated General Court was looking for a way to get the day off. (Don’t get me started about June 17th.)
What this generally means for us common folk is I-495 will be a mess for the morning commute and I-95 for the afternoon. Forget about I-90 from 495 to Boston for most of the day. Come to think about it, that’s normal for a Monday any way.
In the immortal words of the late Roseanne Roseannadanna, “never mind.”