The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Twitter Hijacks Personal Blogs!

Not that it’s breaking news, but I was just playing Kyodai Mahjongg when I noticed it was DECEMBER!!!.  Okay, where were all the Blog entries that should have been here during the transition period?  Have we gone into hibernation awaiting 1-20-08?

No, we were making Twitter entries. Over 970 of them in the past few months.  Twitterberry is partially at fault.  It makes tweeting entirely too easy.  Though there are other Twitter utilities for the Blackberry, Twitterberry meets my needs.
The other problem could be the news all around, coming from all the media, seems to be telling me I should be miserable right now. The world is travelling to hell in a picnic basket, according to CNN

They don’t seem to have a shortage of people who are willing to stand, or sit in front of camera and proclaim whatever conclusion fits the mood of the headline.  Perhaps they are all legitimate, but the sensation is more that they are convenient.

The end point of this is that though this Blog may not seem as active as before, it is, underground, in the Fleet River of Cyberspace, ever so more active.  The activity however isn’t found in these run-on sentences we call Blog entries, it is rather in the right hand column where the latest Twitter tweets are displayed.

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