The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Trying to install Live Movie Maker


LiveJournal Tags:

I have the original MS Movie Maker on my computer, but it is not working well with the AVI’s from my FLIP camera.  I was hoping the LIVE version of it would have better luck. Unfortunately, though I went to the link from MS Live, Movie Maker and Clicked on install, when the box popped up, Movie Maker was not on the list of available programs.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I just don't want to have the only Blog in the world that doesn't have a link to this SNL Skit.


Is Twitter Draining Blog Content?

Listening to Amber MacArthur on last week’s Net@Night, I heard her make the remark that Twitter is draining content away from blogging.  I went back and looked at the number of Tweets that I’ve made in the past few months, 714.  
Nightime on the Rio Grande

At least half of those comments would have made it into one of the blogs in the Famous Grazing Series.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

I don’t think there is a judgement call on that.

Half of those comments  may have bloated the content of the Blog, burying the more important news and opinion.  Not that anything mentioned in any of the Famous Grazing blogs could be considered of national or international importance.

On a completely different note, tonight Tina Fey is scheduled to portray the current Republican candidate for VP.  The buzz around this reminds me of the way the nation felt each night the Show of Shows would come onto TV.

Perhaps the nation will come out of its slumber for a few moments and actually see what is being given to them as a choice in November.  It is a very scary thing that should not be entered into somnambulant .

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Live Writer Updated While Away

I thought there was something different when I started Live Wire to make a blog entry this morning.  I noticed the Wave 3 translucent tag pop up and go away with the splash screen.

When Microsoft automatically updated the operating system, it seems to have updated the Live files I downloaded a while ago.  Now we need to look at Live Movie Editor and see if that’s been upgraded as well.

I guess this is better that finding quarts of sour milk on the doorstep under the newspapers.

LiveJournal Tags:

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Off Vacation

We were on vacation for most of the month of August.  This time we wanted it to be a real vacation and not a “working” one.  To accomplish this we took ourselves mostly off the grid.

We’re now back and browsing with Google Chrome.  Tomorrow, after browsing a tad more you’ll get a better review, but for now, the only place we couldn’t get it to work was on the Evernote site.  It handled the drag and drop with no problem but locked up when trying to bring up the individual notebooks.

I guess we can say, no browser’s perfect.  -30-<a

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