The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

17:47 Tomorrow

Mogli passes up a walk in the grass

Image by sgtret via Flickr

It isn’t quite winter yet. That begins tomorrow at 17:47 UTC. (That’s 5:47 PM in London.)

However, it would appear Winter decided to send a calling card prior to arriving. I look out the second story window of my office down onto the driveway where my car should be parked and see a pile of snow with an antennae protruding from it like a sapling freshly broken from the soil.

To avoid going out to clear the two or so feet of snow atop the car, I thought it would be a good time to make a long neglected blog entry.

If you look out of the other side of the house you can see the relatively useless swimming pool. To this day, I do not understand the logic of having a swimming pool in northern New England.&; They cost a fortune to run and are good for three months, max.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

At Eight PM Last Night

In my youth I had an image of where I would be so many decades later, meaning at my age now. I saw myself sitting in a high backed easy chair, by a fire, across from the missus, reading a good book.

That vision came to me last night as I sat at my laptop in one room, reading Twitter on Brizzly. The missus was downstairs in her home office reading the New York Times while my son was at his desk, on his Apple reading heaven-knows-what.

This is not the image from the past because none of these things, laptops, or Apple Computers, existed back then. Okay, way back then.

So, young people, as you sit and envision where you’ll be and what you will be doing in forty or fifty years, fahgetaboutit! It doesn’t exist yet.

Enjoy the now and the stuff that makes the now, time.

Posted via web from grazing's posterous

At Eight PM Last Night

And Then I Rest

Image by sgtret via Flickr

In my youth I had an image of where I would be so many decades later, meaning at my age now.  I saw myself sitting in a high backed easy chair, by a fire, across from the missus, reading a good book.

That vision came to me last night as I sat at my laptop in one room, reading Twitter on Brizzly. The missus was downstairs in her home office reading the New York Times while my son was at his desk, on his Apple reading heaven-knows-what.

This is not the image from the past because none of these things, laptops, or Apple Computers existed back then.  Okay, way back then.

So, young people, as you sit and envision where you’ll be and what you will be doing in forty or fifty years, fahgetaboutit! It doesn’t exist yet.

Enjoy the now and the stuff that makes the now, time.

LiveJournal Tags:

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Burglary Happened

A friend was burgled last night.  Everyone is asking what was taken.  What was taken was a feeling of security, a feeling that the walls and doors protect you from the wolves and weather.

This happened to me many years ago.  They took a cheap desk radio because there really was nothing else of value in the apartment.  The radio had no sale value but was taken to justify the break-in.  I invested in locks and gates and a steel bar contraption called a "Fox Lock." 

Then I did what was really the only solution, I moved.  Right after my bike was taken.  They left the lock and chain, but must have cut the cross bar on the bike to take it. 

To my friend, how soon before you move??

Sunday, December 06, 2009

ScribeFire has been updated

ScribeFire has been updated to version 3.42 as a fix to a  security threat and enhance its interaction with Zemanta

Saturday, December 05, 2009

I Thought Posting to Posterous Automatically

I may not have is set up correctly, but I thought Posterous automatically sent the information loaded in the email to the other linked locations, such as Twitter and Blogger. It would appear not.

Here in New England there was a report of possible snow tonight into tomorrow morning. I have to give a speech at 1000 tomorrow. I can make it there whatever the weather, but certainly, if the snow does fall, will expect a smaller audience.


Posted via email from grazing's posterous

Bought Back by Neil Gaiman

Image representing Posterous as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase

Neil posted a test message on his regular blog to show he could post to his blog using Posterous.

Leo Laporte recently did something of a similar nature to show a picture of Pomegranates.


Posted via email from grazing's posterous