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Sunday, March 04, 2012

The Bride Wore Black Leather (Nightside, #12)The Bride Wore Black Leather by Simon R. Green
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am going though a bit of Harry Dresden withdrawal. John Taylor the primary character in The Bride Wore Black Leather is not Harry Dresden, but he does fill the gap a bit. I read this book on the chance that it may have something of the irk found in the Dresden books.

I was right in many ways and wrong about the equal number.

This volume is the latest in a series that goes back several years. When I finished it, I looked up the series and am currently half way through the first book. That says something about the author's quality.

Nightside, the part of London where most of the action is set, reminds me a bit too much of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. That was published in September of 2003. The first Nightside book, Something From the Nightside, was published in May of the same year. So, both of these very entertaining authors, both English, were inspired by something permeating from London in 2003.

Gaiman's Neverwhere is much more subtle in a well made horror story way, while Mr. Green's Nightside is set in a lively, no holds barred, whatever I can fit in here fits, let's twist the plot till is screams, because the plot is probably alive, kind of place. Very entertaining.

Before you read The Bride Wore Black Leather, I suggest you go back to Something From the Nightside and start there.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

BR said...

This was the last of series of over a dozen books. I went back and read the first until I could come back and read this one again. It was a much fuller experience having all of the character's background information.

This is sort of like Harry Dresden in a different dimension.