The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Clouds All Over the Place.

The latest cloud that has come up in the web chatter can be found at -  It grabs it’s links from a combination of the aggregate  feeds generated by Digg, Reddit,, hackernews and yahoo buzz


Hackers, geeks and geek-a-wannabees, will find their equivalent to gossip chatter in this cloud.

For those addicted to Twitter, there is Twitscoop,



Hovering over a word at the Web site will bring up a pop up of the latest tweets on the subject. A click on any of the words will take you to a running list of the tweets as they come in.

In TweetDeck, the  Twitscoop cloud is one of the many options you can include as content in the many columns a power user

deploys to keep up with the pulse of social networking.

Where Twitscoop depends on one dominant word expanding and diminishing the font size to reflect the traffic, Oursignal highlights a phrase.  When the traffic increases it too increases the font, but it also uses colors to show if the trend is coming or going.

Consider yourself standing in a crowd of people.  There is a buzz of general conversation going on around the room.

If you focus on the people closest to you, you can get the gist of their individual topics. But if suddenly you hear one word our phrase moving like a wave though the mass, it would be the same as the way both these clouds manifest the level of general interest.

It’s cute, but I wouldn’t depend on it to keep you informed.  That’s Jon Stewart’s job.

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