The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Podcast in the car.

The problem with listening to podcasts in the car is the people in the podcast recommend websites and products. The frustration of not being able to look up the URL right away makes a geek cry.

It is now my policy to only listen to podcasts like NPR’s Science Friday and CNN Update and reserve listening to things like DIGG and TWiT on the laptop.

Of course watching a video Plog like CommandN in the car is out of the question. That one would be make it even harder for a geek to pay attention to the road.

This upper respiratory post viral chest infection is really starting to get to me. The doctor said I have to ride it out, but it’s starting to hurt just to breath from all of the coughing.


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