The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Exhausted by a Week of Rest

This week off reminded me what it was like to be retired. Not a moment free.

It was all considered by others to be available time for tasks other than work. When I return to work on Monday, I will more fully appreciate the set routine; where time is filled with tasks that for the most part have a beginning and an end.

Where a house is concerned, the beginning is the day you move in and the end is the day you move out. Unless you are moving to a funeral home, the tasks for the next house begin soon after the ones for the last ended.
As I remember it, the last time, the tasks for the old house went on for quite a while after we moved.

There is the fantasy of living in a self healing rental unit. I did that for 32 years. Of course, it wasn’t one rental unit, more like a dozen or so in that span of years. Each was probably, in its way, better than the last; like getting a better car.

What we had there were neighbors of similar financial and social status, on top of us, next to us and in some circumstances below us. I did try to avoid not living on the first floor. Being somewhat heavy of foot, my mere walking was cause enough for conflict.

So, no matter where you live, there is always a good and a bad to it. While you’re thinking of the next better thing to come along, don’t forget to enjoy what you have while it is still yours.
(posted using Blogger for MS Word)

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