The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

News of Cockle Pickers plight spreads world wide

This is bigger than I thought. China View's slant on the story is that 76 Chinese Cockle Pickers were rescued.

It would seem 60 Scots ran into the 76 Chinese off the coast of Morecambe Bay. There's a bar room joke in there somewhere.

Unfortunately, 21 Chinese were killed in February while picking cockles.

Being allergic to shell fish, I've never tasted a cockle, but if people are willing to engage in what is obviously a life threatening occupation to harvest them; they must be a treat beyond compare.

Why do I have the tune to Molly Malone playing in the soundtrack of my mind? =30=

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