The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Monday, July 19, 2004

I think I've figured out a few ways not to have those obnoxious framed book ads, and still get to display the graphic of the books I want you to see. This is the cover of Meetings With Remarkable Men. It's a book, the first of a trilogy, by Mr. G.

In it is the line that has been the corner stone of my lifestyle for over thirty years. To paraphrase: If it's worth going, go first class, including the postage.

This can have whatever meaning you want it to have. If you think it means you should indulge yourself, gorge on life, then do so.

If you take it to mean, if you're going to bother doing something, do it right and then support it, then you would be closer to my meaning.
Mr. G. was many things to many people. If you never read anything else by him, or about him, it is worth it to read this.

Meetings With Remarkable Men was made into a movie, with Terrance Stamp. I was at its premier in Lincoln Center in NYC. If that means something to you, greetings from the far side! If you want to know what I looked like twenty five years ago, pause the videotape on the man who winds the sound contest in the beginning of the movie. My spitting image. =30=

cover The Tibetan Book of the Dead DVD narrated by Leonard Cohen. Okay, in the words of my nephew, Tad, this is way cool!!

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