The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Smoky Mirrors

This afternoon, one of our younger Associates, one who didn't receive my training, asked me what it meant when he was told our business was all "smoky mirrors."

It was very, very hard not to break out laughing.

I knew he was serious. It is my business to take serious questions seriously.

When I told him the phrase was "Smoke and Mirrors" a blank look filled every inch of his face.
Most of nature, I told him in my aged veteran's voice, is smoke and mirrors. We're just very good at it. The face was still blank.

Then I remembered an old trick of my history teacher, tell me what do you think it means, I said.

A twenty minute monologue followed, during which he did everything but answer the question. He seemed satisfied, I was satisfied and sent him on his way.

The way I see it, if you're in a business that is all smoke and mirrors, perhaps it's a good thing if some of the people who work there don't know what smoke and mirrors mean. =30=

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