The home page and original site for the Famous Grazing Blogs

There are more than a dozen Famous Grazing Blogs residing on the cybersphere. Some are dormant and some very active. They all link back here to the Granddaddy of our blogs, founding in May of 2004.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Janet pulled me from Ben




I am sure you have been waiting
patiently for my comments regarding the latest biography of Benjamin

I must admit I was dragged away just before Ben crossed the Atlantic, back
to England, (without his wife,) during the early years of the reign of
George III.

It was by a Tasteycake of a book called

Ten Big Ones

Janet Evanovich.

Being an admitted addict of her books, I will sadly say, without giving away
the plot, such as there is, this was my least favorite of the Stephanie Plum
books. The characters were rubberstamps of themselves, there was no
conclusion, the laughs were much thinner than usual and the end, well it
just plain sucked.

There I said it. Of course, I would not have given up a chance to read it
for anything, and I look forward to the next book, Eleven whatever, where
she, Janet that is, will redeem herself.

It was the ending, that literally came out of nowhere, that was most
disappointing. Did you ever get the feeling an author was tired of writing
and just wrapped things up, sometimes neatly, sometimes not? This was it. It
was worse than the Johnny Depp film where he walks through the brightly lit
castle doorway with no explanation as to why and what happens afterward.

For those of you who have read the book, I ask you: aren't you a tad curious
about what happened at the shower. Where did she sleep that night? With
whom, etc... And does Joe wear boxers or briefs? These are all very
important to the plot, to the character development, to my sleep. It was
like opening a box of Twinkies, only to find one missing and the one left
without filling. You would still eat the Twinkie, but you would certainly
examine the next package carefully, very carefully.

Back to Ben... =30=

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